Castle museum

Lützen Castle is a gem in itself. Its museum on the history of the town and the region makes it even more special.

Beauty of the Renaissance

Lützen Castle was built around 1250 as a castle with a fortified keep. Some 300 years later, Bishop Sigismund von Lindenau had it remodelled into a representative moated castle in the Renaissance style. 

Over the centuries, some of this original splendour has been lost due to various demolitions and alterations. But the castle still enchants its visitors with its very special charm. Among other things, it has the smallest castle courtyard in Germany. The museum in the castle, run by a Lützen association, brings the history of the place to life.

Horrors of battle

Of course, the museum in the castle would be inconceivable without the thematisation of the two major battles fought at Lützen. Two huge dioramas bring the events of the time vividly to life for visitors. 

One, with 3,600 pewter figures, shows how the Swedish King Gustav II Adolf fell from his horse on 6 November 1532. The other recreates the battle of 2 May 1813, when the Prussians and Russians fought against Napoleon. There is also an exhibition dedicated to the Lützen poet and writer Johann Gottfried Säume. And to round off your visit, it's worth stopping off at the cosy and rustic castle café "Wallensteins Stube".


Special exhibition “Journey to Aventuria”

Embark on a journey into a world of fantasy and magic in miniature. Immerse yourself in the lives of orcs, elves, dwarves and wizards. The continent of Aventuria is the setting of the German fantasy role-playing game “The Black Eye” and has been delighting German game fans since 1984. Have fun on your journey of discovery!

A look inside the exhibition