About us

About Us

As a young museum team, we have set ourselves the goal of creating a place for discourse and shared remembrance and commemoration. The visitor should gain an overview of the suffering and horrors of the Thirty Years' War and the Napoleonic Wars of Liberation. Inevitably, he should deal with and question the frightening/horrific effects of human actions. We are aware of the responsibility we have towards visitors, which is why we always require respectful and tactful interactions.

In addition to the newly opened "Museum Lützen 1632", the museum facilities in the city of Lützen also include the Gustav Adolf Memorial, the museum in Lützen Castle and the Nietzsche Memorial in Röcken. In addition to the important history of the city, they convey a modern military history, focusing on the two major battles that took place in the Lützen area: the Battle of Lützen in 1632 and the Battle of Großgörschen in 1813.


Castle Museum Lützen:

Phone: 034444 22208
Fax: 034444 90693
E-Mail: museum@stadt-luetzen.de

Gustav Adolf Memorial:

Phone: 034444 20317
Fax: 034444 20317
E-Mail: gedenkstaette@stadt-luetzen.de